Real-time Video Surveillance System

NATO and Northrop Grumman have initiated research and development on a real-time video reconnaissance solutions.

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As Northrop Grumman subcontractor (through Leonado), Bianor developed SW modules that transfer and manage satellite images, video, and other reconnaissance multimedia objects from aircraft, satellites, and other sources to NATO’s AGS systems.


Working with Northrop Grumman for more than five years, Bianor is responsible for project modules that transfer and manage satellite images, video, and other reconnaissance multimedia objects from aircraft to NATO’s AGS systems. The development was performed according to STANAG 4545 Nato Secondary Imagery Format (NSIF), STANAG 4107 Mutual acceptance of GQA and usage of AQAP, STANAG 4159 NATO Materiel CM for Multinational Joint Projects, MIL-STD-498 US Military Standard for Software Development and Documentation, NC3TA ADatP-34 NATO C3 Technical Architecture (NC3TA), MIL-STD-1472F Human Engineering.


The video streaming software processes enormous amounts of digital video and audio data in real time while maintaining mission-critical requirements for quality, speed, and reliability. Some statistics: 3 SW units, 5 SW builds, 74 weekly deliveries of SW code, 9 Test Stub Programs, 20 SW integration sessions in Torino as a part of the Integrated Program Team.


Key technologies and tools: Rational DOORS, Enterprise Architect, UML, JAVA, C++, JMS, ActiveMQ, Eclipse, Maven, VBA.

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OTT Video Streaming Essentials Fact Sheet

Download Bianor’s OTT Video Streaming Essentials Fact Sheet to learn more about the five most crucial components in video streaming.